Saturday, 25 July 2009

Madhva (1238-1317)

Madhwacharya the avatar of Wind-God Vayu argues that the body of canonical texts named “VEDANTHA” teaches the difference between the one’s self and ultimate reality the paramathma. In Madhwa philosophy there are 2 orders of reality namely
SVATANTRA – which is the Individual Reality and contains BRAHMAN/PARAMATHMA alone
PARATANTRA – Consists of JIVA and JADA which are the souls and life less objects respectively.
Although PARATANTRA would not exit without SVATANTRA’s will, this dependency creates a basic difference between the Paramathma and other Jiva implying the dualism.
Hence, Madhwa says that the non-dualist philosophies where Jiva (aathma) identified with Paramathma is incorrect and Jiva is always different from one another and from God or Paramathma. Hence introducing a system called “TATVAVAADHA” which speaks about Madhwa’s definition on SVATANTRA & PARATANTRA and other related philosophies etc…

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